Program Curriculm
Primary Program Overview
Practical Life: Practical Life is the first area younger students will explore. The materials and activities are designed for children to function independently in the classroom, gain self-care, gain independence from their environment, exercise grace and courtesy, and gain conscious control of their movements and maintain order in their environment.
Sensorial: The purpose of the sensorial portion of our program is to help students sort out, clarify and classify the child’s growing sensory awareness. These materials focus on shapes, colors, textures, and sounds.
Language Arts: In our classrooms language is presented in three stages, preparatory, symbolic, and reading/writing.
Math: Acquisition of math skills are presented in multiple steps frequently running in parallel. These steps proceed from perception of differences/similarities, counting, up to subtraction and addition.
Science and Social Studies: Children will study a variety of subjects, including geography, zoology, physical and life sciences, anthropology and our planetary system. Children will also be presented with cultural aspects of our connected world to develop the understanding of our interconnectedness to the natural world.
American Montessori Society:
Why Choose Montessori for the Kindergarten Year?
Kindergarten Program
The Kindergarten year is the completion of the three-year cycle in an Early-Childhood Montessori education. It serves as the fundamental and final year for children to integrate the education from their first two years into a developed understanding of the world and their own capabilities. Kindergarten students blossom into leaders in the classroom, teaching and guiding their younger peers and continuing to grow in responsibility for their own learning. This relationship is empowering for all students, proving a mastery of knowledge and application of concepts towards their environment and peers.
Our kindergarten students spend their morning work time in a mixed-age classroom and their afternoons in a kinder-specific classroom, allowing for the presentation of complex lessons and materials. Our program is designed for children to work individually and in groups on deeper investigations into language, mathematics, science, geography, and history. During the kindergarten year, children have greater opportunities to practice tasks that require stamina, concentration, and cognitive as well as physical skills. Our children grow socially and emotionally as they develop grace and courtesy, practical life skills, and a lifetime joy of learning.