December will be a month of academic review and the reinforcement of skills we’ve been practicing since the beginning of the school year.   We will also enjoy crafts and holiday celebrations/traditions from around the world.  
We will be reading and discussing A Kiss For Little Bear by Else Holmelund Minarik for our book report this month.  The children will be creating paper puppets to retell the story at home.
December Lessons:
Addition and Subtraction
Sight Words
Home Address
Snake Game–addition with exchanges/remainders
Holiday Celebrations/Traditions-Germany, Sweden, Israel, United States of America
The highly anticipated Skittles experiment (dispersion of colors) was fun and exciting.  The children hypothesized that the warm water would disperse the colors faster than cold water, warm milk or cold milk.  They were correct!   For the play doh lesson (bonding of colors) the children combined primary colors to create secondary colors.  Both of these lessons can easily be recreated at home. 

Welcome to Kindergarten Khari Colbert!

Miss Lisa